Why Finding a Business Buddy Is Good for the Soul (and Your Bottom Line)

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Why Finding a Business Buddy Is Good for the Soul (and Your Bottom Line)

Why Finding a Business Buddy Is Good for the Soul (and Your Bottom Line)

Sometimes called an accountability partner or co-mentor, a business buddy is someone you can bounce ideas off and lean on for accountability, support and encouragement.

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Your working relationship is usually reciprocal and equal – there’s no hierarchy based on experience or perceived success. You’re simply committed to supporting one another, facilitating development, and exchanging knowledge and resources.

How Can They Help You and Your Business Thrive? 

Working for yourself can be lonely, and being responsible for every single decision within your business can be overwhelming at times. Even those of us who are relatively happy working alone often find ourselves longing for a colleague we could bounce ideas off, or a line manager to hold us accountable. 

As well as filling these roles, a business buddy can offer an alternative perspective, inspiring you to approach things differently. Without a personal connection to the work you do or the clients you serve, they’re often able to think more objectively about any challenges or issues. By sharing their knowledge and expertise, they’re also likely to expose you to tools, strategies and resources you’ve never come across before. 

Doing the same things for your business buddy in return is a great way to boost your confidence. Often, we’re completely unaware of our own expertise until we feel called to share it with others. Trust me – you’ve gained more knowledge, and mastered more skills, than you realise! Your strengths could easily be your business buddy’s weaknesses, and vice versa.   

How to Find a Business Buddy

Start with your existing network. We all know at least one fellow business owner we enjoy spending time with! If you already have a casual co-working arrangement with a colleague or friend, you could ask them to be your official business buddy. They don’t necessarily need to work in the same industry. In fact, you might gain more from partnering with someone who doesn’t.

Once a month or every quarter, meet in person or online to discuss what you’ve been working on, what’s going well and what isn’t. You can also share your goals for the month ahead and commit to keeping each other on track. Read How to Self-Coach Yourself from Stuck to Let’s Go for more inspiration. 

women talking with laptop

How to be a Good Business Buddy to Someone Else

As we’ve already established, your relationship with your business buddy should be mutually beneficial. Here are a few tips to help you be the best business buddy you can be:

1. Be Reliable and Consistent

Keep appointments and always show up on time. Check in regularly and follow up when you say you will. Your business buddy needs to know they can count on you, no matter what.

2. Create a Safe Space 

Unshakable trust is essential, and complete privacy should be a given. Sessions should also be judgement-free and based on compassion. Honesty is important, but I believe tough love can be toxic. If your business buddy comes to you with a problem, ask yourself how you would want to be supported in that moment. Validate their feelings and offer wisdom and encouragement – there’s no need to be harsh or stern.

3. Be Generous

Don’t gatekeep – share your knowledge and skills generously. Like I said, this will benefit your buddy AND boost your confidence too. There’s no better way to start feeling like the expert you are than through helping others learn and develop.

4. Be Their Biggest Cheerleader

Being a good business buddy means showing up for your colleague outside of your official meetings. Like and comment on their social media posts, respond to their marketing emails, and tell them they’re doing a good job as often as possible. Having someone in your corner makes such a difference, especially if you usually work alone.

5. Talk About Them Behind Their Back

We all need people in our lives who will big us up and show us off when we’re not in the room. Take every chance you get to do this for your business buddy. I like to think of myself as a ‘connector’. If I gather someone is trying to solve a particular problem or outsource something in their business, I relish the opportunity to connect them with the perfect person (or people) for the job. Keep your business buddy at the forefront of your mind when you’re networking. As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats.    

Further Reading/Watching/Listening

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