How to Bounce Back When Your Confidence Takes a Knock at Work
Losing your confidence at work or in business can have a huge impact on your career trajectory. When we don’t believe in ourselves or our abilities, we are far more likely to hold ourselves back.
Do you ever feel like you shrink yourself? You might do this literally, shifting yourself to the edge of a shared seat on the bus so a fellow passenger can spread their legs as wide as they like. Or you might do it figuratively. For example, by allowing a co-worker’s interruption to go unchallenged.
When it comes to chasing success, are you good at standing in your own way? Are you the only thing holding you back? I’m talking about self-sabotage – the destructive habit of hindering your own success.
The term ‘burnout’ was first coined in 1974 by American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger. He used the phrase to describe a psychological reaction to excessive stress over a prolonged period, affecting both physical and mental health through symptoms such as exhaustion.
How to Spot Imposter Syndrome and What to Do About It
Do you know how to spot imposter syndrome? It’s easy to describe the feeling behind it. The feeling that no matter how much progress you make or success you achieve, you don’t truly deserve your accomplishments. But imposter syndrome can be sneaky, showing up in different ways for different people.
There’s been an explosion of research into self-compassion over the last ten years. Evidence suggests people who are more self-compassionate have greater happiness, life satisfaction and motivation.